miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Mumbai Day 4: Mahalaxmi Dhobi Ghat, Global Pagoda

We start with the day me trying to become an extra in a Bollywood movie. They recruit many foreigners  in Colaba area (downtown Mumbai), and a girl from the hostel got recruited but couldn't go. She told me the meeting point and I appeared spontaneously to see if they needed anyone else!! Finally they had one too many guys, so I couldn't go but I got his card and a might opportunity for tomorrow, which don't think it'll happen. However the day was great, first day actually alone!!!!! It's been good to be traveling around the first days with people so I felt much more comfortable today to travel alone. First I went to Mahalaxmi Dhobi Ghat, or the laundromat in Mumbai. Families live there but only the men clean the clothes, all of hospital and hotel laundry is done there!! Second trip to Global Pagoda, north of Mumbai, crossed it like a champ in the train at busy hour, got a cool autorickshaw and a ferry. I was astonished to find absolutely none there, it was being rebuilt, but still breathtaking!! Finally tonight after dinner at Leopolds and a movie in Eros Cinema (Bollywood without subtitles!!!). (Final pintures SCT station, known for the final dance scene in "Slumdog Millionaire" and where tomorrow I'll be getting my train to Goa!!)

Comencem el dia amb mi intentant colar-me com a extra en una peli de Bollywood. Agafen a various touristes per la zona de Colaba (el centre de Mumbai), i a una noia de l'alberg li havien demanat però no hi podia anar. Em va dir el lloc det robada i espontàniament he aparegut a veure si els feia falta algú mes!! Finalment tenien un noi de mes i he hagut de fer-me enrera però m'ha donat la seva targeta i la oportunitat de poder anar-hi demà, tot i que no crec q passi!! De totes maneres el dia ha estat molt guay, el primer dia sol de veritat!!! Ha estat genial estar viatjant aquests primers dies amb gent així me sentit molt mes segur de viatjar sol. Primer a Mahalaxmi Dhobi Ghat, o la Tintoreria de Mumbai (atentes Anna i tieta Margarita). Les famílies hi viuen però son els homes els que renten la roba, tots els hospitals i hotels porten la bugada allà!! Després excursió fins la Global Pagoda al nord de Mumbai, creuant com un campió en el tren a hora punta, agafat un mototaxi i finalment un ferri. M'ha quedat impressionat en veure que no hi havia ningú allà, estava sent remodelat, però tot i així impressionant!! Finalment sopar a Leopolds i peli a Eros Cinema (Bollywood sense subtítols!!!). (Foto final de l'estació SCT, coneguda per on es va rodar l'últim ball de "Slumdog Millionaire" i on demà agafaré el tren cap a Goa!!)

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