viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Byron Bay 262: This is not Kuala Lumpur

Ahir hauria d'haver volat cap a Kuala Lumpur, pero els inútils de AirAsia no em van deixar volar doncs em deien que no podria entrar a Malasia amb menys de 6 mesos de vàlides del passaport (tot i que hi vaig estar fa dos setmanes i cap problema)!! Total no em vull fer mes mala sang, i al final tot canvi de plans ha acabat en una historia genial!! Me'n vaig anar al Consulat espanyol a fer-me un passaport i com que amb un d'emergència no m'hi deixaran entrar tampoc me n'he de fer un de nou!!! En dos setmanes arriba, aixi que amb ganes de canvi d'aires agafo el primer bus cap a Byron Bay on arribo aquest mati!! Aviam com acaba aquesta segona part de l'aventura Australiana!!!

Yesterday I was supposed to fly to Kuala Lumpur, but the assholes in AirAsia didn't let me on the plane cause to enter Malaysia I needed 6 months validity on my passport (although I had just been there  two weeks before and nobody seemed to care then)!! However I don't wanna get more angry, at the end every change of plans has turned up into an amazing story!! I go to the Spanish consulate to get a new passport and as an emergency one would not let me in anyway I get a whole new one!! In two weeks it'll be here, so hungry to change location I get on the next bu to Byron Bay where I get this morning!! Let see how this second part of my Australian adventure turns up!!

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