martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

Kalaw Day 303: Rest day to organize a trek

Ahir en arribar a Mandalay ni corto ni perezoso em planto a l'estació d'autobus per comprar un bitllet per anar a Kalaw, arribo mitja hora abans que surti el bus i encara he de comprar el bitllet, hi ha lloc aixi que havia de passar (m'encanta aquest sentiment d'aventura de no saber on dormiràs dema!!). Arribem a les 2.30 i en baixar de l'autobús vaig directament a un alberg que m'havien recomanat i caic mort allà!! La resta del dia de relax acabant Joc de Trons (3) i organitzant trek per dema!!! Coincideixo amb un canadenc a l'últim moment i agafem amb una Agencia que sembla que surt bastant de la ruta típica, esperem haver encertat, aqui mai saps!!

Yesterday after arriving to Mandalay I went to the bus station to buy a ticket to Kalaw, I got there half an hour before the bus left and I still had to buy the ticket, there is space so it was meant to happen (I love this feeling of adventure of not knowing where you'll sleep tomorrow!!). We arrive at 2.30 am and after getting off the bus I go straight to a lodge recommended to me and fall asleep again!!! The rest of the day relaxing finishing Game of Thrones (3) and organizing tomorrow's trek!! I meet a Canadianlast minute and book it with him through and agency that seems not to take the typical route, we hope to have made a right decision, here you never know!!!

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