sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Kathmandu Day 91: Swayambhunath (aka Monkey Temple)

Monkey Temples are always located on top of a mountain/hill in India, so this one is no different!! As a good backpacker after climbing all the stairs to the top they asked us to pay the entrance fee (200 ruppies!!! (less than 2€)), but back in the hostel they told us there was a way round the back to go in for free, so we climbed back down and went up the other side, where we were able to enter for free!! Nice stupa and nice views of Kathmandu. I'm always saying a temple is a temple (and I'm sure I'll say it again), but as these are different from the ones I've seen around India, it's exciting to see them!!!

Els Temples dels Micos estan situats sobre una montanya/turó a Índia, i aquest no es diferent!! Com a bon backpacker després de pujar les escales fins a dalt ens han demanat de pagar entrada (200 rupies!! (menys de 2€)), pero al alberg ens havien dit que es podia anar per darrera i entrar gratis, així que hem tornat a baixar i pujat per darrera i efectivament hem entrat gratis!!! Stupa ben maca amb bones vistes de Kathamandu. Sempre dic que un temple es un temple (i segur que ho tornaré a dit), pero com que aquests son diferents dels que he estat veient per la Índia, es emocionant veure'ls!!!

Aquest joc t'hagues molta ari, es una mena de billar pero lliscant les fitxes!! El noi de vermell era molt bo!!
This game is a kind of pool but with these pieces instead of balls and sticks!! The guy in red was really good!!

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