domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

New Delhi Day 83: Night out

Casi ploro en arribar a Nova Delhi i agafar el metro per arribar a l'alberg!!! Es graciós com no podem negar la nostre naturalesa bàsica, per molt que m'adapti, jo soc un urbanita, un habitant de la jungla d'asfalt!!! Despres de 3 mesos recurrent la India mola agafar el metro i sortir a fer unes cerveses a un bar AMB MÚSICA!!! 

I almost cried when I got to New Delhi and got the metro to get to the hostel!! It's funny how you can't deny your own basic nature, I can adapt as much as I want, but I'm a city mogul, a citizen of the concrete jungle!! After 3 months goon around India it's cool to take the metro and go out for a few beers to a bar WITH MUSIC!!!

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