domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

New Delhi Day 84: Humayun's Tomb and Connaught's Place

Interessant i sorprenent dia a Nova Delhi, esperava una ciutat caòtica i bruta (el que havia vist en la meva breva hora de transit de Amritsar a Jaipur), pero tot el contrari!! Ordre i cues al metro sense masses empentes (segueix sent índia), carrers nets i passejant pel centre gentada que no et molesta i fa la seva (interessant com les corredisses al metro son pels seients del mig i no els de la punta!! Aparentment els i agrada l'escalfor humana!!!). Visitat la tomba Huyamun (q va servir d'inspiració pel Taj Mahal). Havia sentit molt a parlar-ne, poder pq he vist el Taj Mahal abans (i sense treure-li mèrit a aquesta tomba), no te punt de comparació amb la bellesa del Taj Mahal (el Taj brilla i te detalls, mentres que aquest s simplement gran). De tota manera interessant com el rei va fer enterrar el seu barber preferit amb ell. Després a Connaught's Place (rotllo Plaça Catalunya), amb una gran bandera India rotllo plaça Colón a Madrid, botigues i control de seguretat per entrar a la plaça (des dels atacs a Mumbai estan molt preocupats pel terrorisme crec). 

Interesting and surprising day in New Delhi, I was expecting a chaotic and dirty city (what I had expeienced in my brief hour of connection between Amritsar and Jaipur), but all the opposite!! Order and queues without too many pushes (it's still india), clean streets and people walking around downtown and minds there own business (interesting how the running in the metro is to get the center seats and not the edge ones!! Apparently they like human contact!!). Visited Huyamun's Tomb (served as an inspiration for the Taj Mahal). Heard about it p, maybe cause I saw the Taj Mahal first (and without undervalueing the tomb), it has no possible comparison the beauty of the Taj Mahal (the taj glows and has detail, while this is just big). Interesting how the King buried his favorite barber with him. After to Connaught's place (downtown), with a huge Indian flag, shops and security control to get in (I feel that since the attacks in Mumbai they are really worried about terrorism).

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