viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

Lombok Day 182: Senaru

Demà comencem el trek al volcà Rinjani, i avui ens hem acostat a Senaru per demà començar el trek ben d'hora!! A la tarda ens han acostat a unes cascades (un nen que no devia haver passat la pub estat encara)!!! Ens hem banyat amb un aigua gelada!! I al vespre briefing del que seran els propers dies i conèixer els companys d'aventura!!

Tomorrow we start the trek to Rijani volcano, and today we got to Senaru to start tomorrow early morning!! In the afternoon they took us to some waterfalls (a little kid who hadn't hit puberty yet)!! We swam in freaking cold water!!! In the evening briefing of what the next few days will be about and meeting the rest of the adventurers!!

Lombok Day 181: Senggigi

Per fi marxem de Bali i arribem a Lombok!!! Illa moooooolt mes tranquila que Bali!! A l'Ari li ha agradat mes doncs es sent menys guiri que a Bali!!! Dia molt de tranqui per encarregar una excursió que començarem demà cap al volcà de Lombok i despres creuer fins a Flores!!! El noi que ens ha venut el bitllet ens ha deixat la moto de gratis (poder li ha sabut greu pq hem pagat massa, o pq li hem caigut be, qui ho sap?!?!?!) i hem anat a explorar unes platjes mes al nord i vist una bonica posta de sol!!! A la nit sopar i cervesa a un bar amb música en directe on la gent s'apuntava a cantar (uns espècimens molt interessants!!!).

Finally we leave Bali to get to Lombok!! Muuuuuuuch more calm island than Bali!! Ari prefers it as you feel less of a tourist than in Bali!!! Relaxing day to book a trek to the volcano in Lombok and a cruise to Flores!!! The guy who sold it to us lent us a motorbike for free (maybe because he felt bad cause we paid too much, maybe cause he liked us, who knows!?!?!?!) and we went to explore the beaches north of the island and enjoyed a nice sunset!!! At night dinner and a beer with live music where people joined the singer (interesting species!!!).

Bali Day 180: Surfing!!

Avui dia de surf!! No hi ha fotos doncs com comprendreu la meva preocupació del dia era aixecar-me a la ta la (que al final amb monitor he aconseguit un parell de cops) i no fer fotos del dia!! A la nit bufet lliure del Sky Garden amb copes gratis i Chuckie d'artista convidat (si el coneix algú nomes pot ser el meu amic Dani Lorente!!).

Today surfing day!! There are no pictures as you'll understand my concerns were more focused on trying to stand up on the board (which I managed a couple of times with an instructor) rather than taking pictures!!! In the evening all you can eat at Sky Garden with free drinks and Chuckie as guest artist (if somebody has heard if him is my friend Dani Lorente!!).

Bali Day 179: More exploration

De nou dia d'exploració!! Visita al temple d Uluwatu i al poble ben surfero (volíem provar de fer surf pero s'entrava per un penya-segat i em pensat que poder era mes per pros!!). I despres a un parell de caletes que hem trobat, una de les quals ben buida que estava (Pagan Pagan).

Again exploration day!! Visiting the temple of Uluwatu and the town very surfer (we wanted to try surfing but you entered through some cliff so we though it might be more for pros!!). After exploring some beaches, one of them pretty empty (Pagan Pagan).

Surfing entrance?? No way
Entrada de surf?? Ni parlar-ne

Bali Day 178: Exploring the island

Ja ha arribat l'Ari!! Ahir va arribar la meva germana i avui dia de llogar moto i explorar la illa de Bali!! Ens hem perdut una mica bastant en no portar mapa i no saber on anavem, pero al final hem torbat una platja (Balangan) ben maca amb uns surferos!!! Al vespre atracon de menjar al Sky Garden amb barbacoa de bufet lliure!! Senta be empatxar-te a carn en comptes de a arròs i pasta per variar!!!

Ari is here!! Yesterday my sister arrived and today day to rent a bike and explore the island of Bali!! We got lost a little too much as we had no map and no idea where we were going, but we managed to find a nice beach (Balangan) with some surfers!! At night feast at Sky Garden with barbecue all you can eat!! Feels good to get full on meat instead of rice and noodles for a change!!

martes, 15 de julio de 2014

Kuala Lumpur Day 175: Night out

Once in a while it's nice to go to a nice bar with a spectacular view and then out for a few drinks in town!! So much fun!!

De tant en tant esta be anar a un bar maco amb unes vistes espectaculars i despres a fer unes copes per la ciutat!! Una not ben divertida!!

A la matinada skype amb cosins sopant!!
Almost into the morning skype with cousins having dinner!!

domingo, 13 de julio de 2014

Kuala Lumpur Day 174: Petronas Tower

No hi ha massa cosa a fer a Kuala Lumpur, es una ciutat com qualsevol altre, pero una cosa si que tenia moltes ganes de veure (despres de el veure fa molts anys "La Trampa"), LES PETRONES!!! Dia de passeig, compres, sushi i sessió de fotos amb Les Petrones!!!

There is not that much to do in Kuala Lumpur, it's a city like any other, but one thing I did want to do here (after seeing many years ago "The Trap"), THE PETRONAS!! Day of walking around, shopping, sushi and foto session with The Petronas!!!

En Croqui també ha volgut saltar!!
Croqui also wanted to jump!!

Mode nit no te rafega!!
Nit mode has no "rafega??"