viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

Bali Day 180: Surfing!!

Avui dia de surf!! No hi ha fotos doncs com comprendreu la meva preocupació del dia era aixecar-me a la ta la (que al final amb monitor he aconseguit un parell de cops) i no fer fotos del dia!! A la nit bufet lliure del Sky Garden amb copes gratis i Chuckie d'artista convidat (si el coneix algú nomes pot ser el meu amic Dani Lorente!!).

Today surfing day!! There are no pictures as you'll understand my concerns were more focused on trying to stand up on the board (which I managed a couple of times with an instructor) rather than taking pictures!!! In the evening all you can eat at Sky Garden with free drinks and Chuckie as guest artist (if somebody has heard if him is my friend Dani Lorente!!).

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