viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

Bali Day 178: Exploring the island

Ja ha arribat l'Ari!! Ahir va arribar la meva germana i avui dia de llogar moto i explorar la illa de Bali!! Ens hem perdut una mica bastant en no portar mapa i no saber on anavem, pero al final hem torbat una platja (Balangan) ben maca amb uns surferos!!! Al vespre atracon de menjar al Sky Garden amb barbacoa de bufet lliure!! Senta be empatxar-te a carn en comptes de a arròs i pasta per variar!!!

Ari is here!! Yesterday my sister arrived and today day to rent a bike and explore the island of Bali!! We got lost a little too much as we had no map and no idea where we were going, but we managed to find a nice beach (Balangan) with some surfers!! At night feast at Sky Garden with barbecue all you can eat!! Feels good to get full on meat instead of rice and noodles for a change!!

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