domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014


Estic tenint problemes penjant fotos al blog, aixi que aquí us deixo amb un parell de vídeos!!

I'm having some problems uploading pictures in the blog, so here I leave you a couple videos,,,

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Ubud (Bali) Day 207: Monkey Forest

Marxem de Gili tristament per retornar a Bali, l'Ari marxa en dos dies i jo he de renovar visat!! No volíem tornar a tenir incidents rotllo Flores aixi que hem vingut un dia abans per si de cas!!! Aquest cop hem canviat Kuta (Lloret) per Ubud!! Turístic igual pero mes rotllo espiritual!! L'Ari es moria de ganes d'entrar al monkey forest i en passar per devant li ha sortit la veritat (allò de si no es igual....) i hi hem entrat!! La veritat que pels micos mira pero el temple es maco!!! Al port baixant del ferry ens hem trobat amb l'Alba Millanes de la feina que està de vacances a Indonèsi també!! A sigut una trobada divertida i inesperada!!!

We leave Gili sadly to come back to Bali, Ari leaves in two days and I have to renovate my visa!! We didn't want to have more incidents like in Flores so we came one day earlier just in case!! This time we changed Kuta for Ubud!!! Just as touristy but more spiritual!! Ari was dying to visit the monkey forest so when we walked by she finally said the truth (it was like if I don't go it's ok....) and we went in!! The monkeys were the least but the temples was really nice!! In the Harbour getting off the boat I met Alba Millanes from work who was on holiday in Indonesia too!! That was a fun and unexpected meeting!!! 

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Gili Air 203-206: Chilling

Dies de relax a Gili Air!! La major preocupació del dia era decidir des d'on veure la posta de sol i quin Cocktail prendre mentrestant!! Dies de relax, lectura i bronzejat!! Un dels dies excursió a Gili Meno per repetir la dinàmica de bronzejar, relaxar-se i llegir!! La vida es molt dura!! L'Ari es va petar un gra al per que se li va infectar i no ha pogut banyar-se per uns quants dies, solució omplir una ampolla d'aigua i ruixar-la!!!

Relaxing days in Gili Air!! The major concern of the day was where to watch the sunset from and what cocktail to have in the meantime!! Days of relaxing, reading and sunbathing!!! One of the days trip to Gili Meno to repeat the routine of sunbathing, relaxing and reading!! Life is hard!! Ari popped a pimple on her foot which got infected so she couldn't swim for a few days, solution filling a bottle of water and showering with that!!

Dedicat als meus amics acrobates
Dedicated to my acrobat friends

Bali a l'horitzó
Bali in the horizon

Ens hem llevat per la sortida del sol
We woke up for sunrise
