sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Labuan Bajo (Flores) Days 191-192: Diving days

Ahir despres d baixar del vaixell vam córrer per reservar places per a fer immersio, doncs ens havien dir que ha vegades cali esperar molt per a poder fer immersions al Parc Natural de Komodo (on m'havien recomanat molt de fer-ne!!). La primera escola que ens havien recomanat (una parella belga del vaixell) i entrem tenen lloc per l'endema aixi que ens hi apuntem!!! Despres de dubtar sobre si fer nomes una immersió o el curs d'Avançat, m'animo a fer el curs d'avançat (ajuda el fet que l'Ari em diu que me'n paga una part com a regal d'aniversari!!). L'Ari s'anima a provar una immersio (bateig d'aigua)!! El Florian també s'apunta al curs d'avançat, les dos noies franceses i la mare (Carla, Emma i Carol) s'apunten a immersio, i la Cina i  la Cassi venen a fer snorkel al vaixell (aixi també passen el dia amb nosaltres!!!). Total 8 persones el de grup al vaixell!! Primera immersio i em cauen els collons a terra (Castle Rock)!! Baixem a 25m (no la podria haver fet si no hagués fet el curs) ens agafem a una roca doncs i a corrent i ens passem 10 minuts contemplan el panorama de devant nostre!! Tinc 10 taurons en camp de visió (mínim hi ha un punt que no els puc contar), bancs enormes de peixos preciosos nedant i canviant de direcció!!! M'hi podria haver passat la vida!!! Segona i tercera immersio fent immersions amb corrent i amb GoPro seguint tortugues, calamars i altres coses indescriptibles!!! Dia genial abord, amb espectacular final doncs el vaixell s'espatlla i ens han de venir a rescatar a alta mar (el centre ens ofereix cerveses mentres mirem la posta de sol!!!). Segon dia impagable en veure una manta a un pam de distancia i jo trobo un cavallet de mar (molt difícils de trobar!!!). L'Ari li va agradar tant ahir que es passa a fer el curs Open Water (li conta ja el bateig que va fer ahir), aixi que avui s'ha passat fent teoria a l'escola i immersio a la platja de tècnica (en tornar em diuen que es una pro, ja que ho ha pillat tot rapidíssim!!!). Realment les immersions aquí no tenen preu!!! Mil vegades mes impressionant que a Koh Tao!!! I el centre que em triat GENIAL sens dubte!! Manta Rhei Dive!! Ho porta una família belga, el vaixell te pufs, menjar casolà, molt bon ambient i els vaixells no sobre carregats de gent!! La nostra instructora, la Rene, impagable també!!!! Amb ganes de mes!!!

Yesterday after getting off of the boat we ran to find a spot to be able to dive the next day, as they told us that some time we had to wait for a long time to be able to dive in Komodo National Park (they had recommended me to dive here)!! The first diving centre we find that had been recommend to us (by a Belgian couple on the boat) they have space on the boat for the following day so we decide to sign in!! After doubting if doing a fun dive or my advanced I decided to take my advanced (convince by my sister who says she'll pay for a part of it as my birthday gift!!). She decides to take a discovery dive!! Florian joins me in the advanced course, the French family (Carla, Emma and Carol) take fun dives and Cina and Cassi join the boat on a snorkel trip!!! First dive leaves me speechless (Castle Rock)!! They take me down to 25m (I couldn't have gone wasn't I taking my advanced), we grab a rock because of the current and spend 10 min watching!! I have 10 sharks in my point of view (at one point I stop counting), huge banks of beautiful fish swimming infront of us and changing direction!!! I could have spent a lifetime down there!!! Second and third dives of the day with turtles, calamari and other indescribable beauties!!! Amazing day aboard with the engine breaking down on out way back, the centre offers beers meanwhile we watch the sunset waiting to get rescued!!! Second day seeing a Manta I could have touched and I find a sea horse (apparently they are really hard to find). Ari decides to switch to take her Open Water as she really enjoyed yesterday (the dives from yesterday count for her Open Water), so she spends the day doing theory and skills on the beach (when I come back they tell me she is a pro as she got everything really easily!!). The diving here is priceless!! Much better than in Koh Tao!!! And the centre we chose the BEST!! Mants Rhei Dive!!! Run by a Belgian family, bean bags on the boat, homemade food, really good vibe and not overbooked boats!! Our instructor, Rene, amazing!!! Can't wait for more!!!

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