miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

Ruteng Day 199: Best most bizarre day ever

M'atrevire a dir que dels 199 dies de viatge aquest a sigut el mes estrambòtic a l'hora que genial de tots!!!! Amb l'Ari hem decidit explorar un dia mes la illa de Flores ja que te 10 dies mes fins marxar i aixi podem descobrir una mica mes!! Com que tot es molt lluny decidim fer un dia de rodalies (uns camps d'arroç i una cascada) i aixi no cansar-nos massa amb la moto per tenir forces per la tornada de demà!! Ens llevem ben d'hora, a les 5.30 pels cants d'un gall d'un home que vam conèixer ahir que l'acabava de comprar per fer-lo lluitar i l'han lligat just darrera la nostre habitació!!! (Algu sap perque els galls cantant a trenc d'alba i no a mitja tarda???). Decidim anar a la cascada de Tengkulese que sembla a la vora pero triguen vida i miracle per trobar-la, la raó: No hi ha cami!! Pero de cami decidim deixar la moto i caminar doncs el cami sembla no massa bo!! A 10 metres girem el revolt i trobem a una escola sencera de nens que surt de classe que canten al unisó "TOURISTS!!!" i corrent cap a nosaltres per mirar-nos i tocar-nos (em venen al cap imatges de "The Walking Dead" versió infantil!!!) El mestre ens diu que estar a 4h de cami caminant aixi que tornem ser la moto!!! En tot el cami tots els nens ens saluden, ens piquen la ma quan passem, etc. En arribar finalment al poble de Tengkulese i no trobar la cascada, un home ens diu "seguiu-me" i 7 nens mes es posen a caminar amb nosaltres. Ningu parla angles i ens fan caminar durant 45 min per els seus camps d'arroç i pel mig del bosc sense cami (impossible de trobar sinó!!!). Arribem a una cascada espectacular, fotos i de tornada 45 min mes!! Caic un parell de cops a riallada dels nens, els nens cantant a les cançons de moda, ni gota d'angles!! A la tornada al poble, tot el poble (les tres cases que son) esperant-nos per veure'ns, tocar-nos, etc!!! Sense donar crèdit al que acabar de passar pujem de nou a la moto i cap a Ruteng!! Mai saps el que un imprevist et pot reportar de bo, i aquest sens dubte a sigut genial!! A la nit post sopar parem a la fira del poble, ens saluden com si fóssim el rei, ens deixen tirar anelles de gratis i pujem a una atracció!! La dona d'on dormim ens adora i es pixa de riure quan ens veu ja que no ens entenem ni per casualitat!!!

I will dare to say that of the 199 days of my trip this has been the most bizarre and amazing day of them all!!! We decided to explore one more day the island as Ari has 10 more days til her new flight leaves so this way we can discover a bit more of Flores!! As everything is really far we decide to take an easy day exploring the surroundings (rice fields and a waterfall) this way we take a rest from the scooter and have energy for tomorrow's returns!! We wake up at 5.30 am to the singing of a rooster a guy bought for fighting which sleeps outside our room!! (Anyone knows why roosters sing in the break of dawn and not in the middle of the afternoon???). We decide to go to Tengkulese waterfall which seems close buy but it takes an eternity to find, the reason: there is no path!! On our way we decide to leave bike and walk, 10m in we take a turn and see a whole school exiting class and yelling in our direction "TOURISTS!!" they come running in our direction to look and touch us (an image of "The Walking Dead" comes to mind)!! The teacher tells us it's still 4 hours ahead walking so we decide to go back to the bike, on our way hi fiving children on the road!! When we arrive to Tengkulese and can't find the waterfall a man tells us to follow him and 7 more kids start walking with us!! Nobody speaks English and they make us walk for 45min through their own rice fields and through the middle of the mountain, no path!! We arrive to the waterfall, pictures and on our way back!! I fall a couple times to laughter of the kids, they sing songs all the way, still no English!! Back in town (the three houses that form it) everyone is waiting for us to see us, touch us, etc.!! Without giving credit to what just happened  we get on the bike and leave back to Ruteng!! You never know what is waiting for you whenever you take a turn on your way due to uncontrollable events, and this was an amazing experience!!! In the evening after dinner we go to the town fair, where they greet us like kings, let us throw hoops for free and we even get on one of the rides!! The owner of where we are staying loves us though she can't understand a word of what we say!! 

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