viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014

Lombok Day 183-185: Rinjani Trekking

Tres dies de trek esgotadors!!! Despres de pujar al camp base de l'Everest pensava que estava preparat per qualsevol cosa, i no podria haver estat mes equivocat!!! El trek fins al cim del Rinjani (3750m) ha sigut preciós pero esgotador, de 600m al cim en 24h!! Comencem al primer dia al mati fins al camp base, nit en tenda de campanya amb sopar i posta de sol veient el llac del cràter espectacular i l'endemà matina a les 2.30 del mati per pujar al cim (3h) per la sortida del sol!! Un fred acollunant, una pujada de 1000m empinada i amb sorra que no permet molt de ritme doncs cansa molt, precipici a banda i banda, foscor, cap lloc per descansar i anar pensant tot el cami "com cony baixare d'aqui!!!". Un cop a dalt, gràcies a ser dels primers en arribar (avancem a molta gent pujant) agafem bona posició per la sortida del sol. Preciós, les fotos parlen per elles soles!!! De baixada esmorzar i a caminar fins unes aigües termals (quin bon descans i per fi ens podem netejar una mica!!,). Una mica mes de cami a la tarda fins al següent lloc d'acampada i l'endema de baixada per la jungla amb torçadura de tormell de l'Ari (amb lo be que anavem i lo poc que faltava per arribar!!,). Els porters (ens protaven menjar, tendes, sacs, etc) treuen un machete i li tallen uns pals improvisats!!! Els del trek ens ajuden a portar-li la bossa i ens deixen uns 'strips' per immobilitzar el peu!! Ultima etapa del trek la venen a buscar amb moto!! Uns dies genials amb gran companyia: Analike i Kester (Holanda), Amandine i Thomas (França), Petra i Nina (Suïssa) i el guia Mowgli!!!

Three exhausting trekking days!! After going up to base camp Everest I thought I was ready for anything and I couldn't have been more wrong!! The trek til the summit of Rinjani (3750m) was beautiful but exhausting, from 600m to 3750m in 24h!!! First day we start til base camp, sleep in tents with dinner and spectacular sunset overseeing the lake in the crater and next morning wake up at 2.30am to go up to the summit (3h) for the sunrise!! Freaking cold, an ascent of 1000m really steep and with sand that doesn't help getting a steady rhythm, clif on both sides, dark, no place to take a break and keep thinking "how the hell am I gonna get down of here!!". Once up there, and thanks to being one of the first ones there (we passed many people going up) we get a good position for the sunrise. Beautiful, pictures speak for themselves!! On our way down breakfast and walk to some hot springs (good relax and cleaning a little!!!). In the afternoon a bit more walking until the next camping site and next day walking down the rainforest with ankle spring for Ari (we were doing so good and about to finish!!). The porters (they were carrying our food, tents, sleeping bags, etc) get a machete and cut a couple of branches to use as crutches!! People in the trek help us carry her bag and lend us some strips to immobilize her foot!! Last part of the trek they come pick her up by motorbike!! Some great days on great company: Analike and Kester (Netherlands), Amandine and Thomas (France), Petra and Nina (Switzerland) and our guide Mowgli!!

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