jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Darjeeling Day 40: Joy Train Ride

This would have been the perfect day for Sheldon Cooper!!!! Touristic tour in the world heritage toy train up to Gum, the highest railway station in India!!!! It was funny that the engine was backwards on the way up, and facing correctly on the way down!!!! I LOVE TRAINS!!!

Aquest hagués sigut el dia preferit de Sheldon Cooper!!! Tour turístic al tren patrimoni de la humanitat fins a Gum, la estació a mes alçada de la Índia!!! Ha sigut divertit veure com la maquina estava d'esquenes mentres pujàvem, i després normal anant cap a baix!!! M'ENCANTEN ELS TREEENS!!!

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Darjeeling Day 38: Tea Valley Plantation

A Darjeeling hi ha 86 plantacions de te, aquesta es la que està a mes alçada!!!! La fabrica estava tancada i la collita comença en unes setmanes, pero he provat un te (se suposa el millor del mon!!) que es fa amb la fulla de la punta de la branca i que s'infusiona durant 1 segon!!!! Realment era molt bo, infusionat al punt perfecte per tenir el màxim de sabor sense tenir gens de gust amargant!!!!!

Darjeeling has 86 tea plantations, this one is the highest one!!! The fabric was closed and the picking starts in a few weeks, but I tried a tea (supposed to be the best in the world!!) that is done with the top leaf of the branch and is infused just for 1 second!!! It was really good, infused to the perfect point of maximum flavour with no bitter taste!!!

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Darjeeling Day 37: Tiger Hill

Ens hem llevat a les 4 del mati per agafar un jeep per arribar al cim per veure la sortida del sol: DEU QUIN FRED!!!!! Allà, munió de turistes i de venedors venent cafè, guants, xals, el que vulguis!!! Personalment sortides de sol n'he vist de mes maques (la gent s'ha posat a aplaudir quan a sortit!!! Com si no ens ho esperessim!!!!!), però lo realment maco a sigut la vista del Kachenjunga, tercer sim mes al de l'Himalaya, que ha anat apareixent a mida que sortia el sol!!!!! Gràcies a la parella d'alemans que he conegut he pogut fer servir el seu tripode per a fer millors fotos!!!!

We woke up at 4am to get a jeep to the top of tiger hill to see the sunrise: HOLY CRAP WAS IT COLD!!!! There a gazillion tourists and vendors selling gloves, coffee, xals, whatever you needed!!! Personally I have seen nicer sunrises (people were applauding when the sun came out!! As if it was unexpected!!!!), but personally what was spectacular was the sight of Kachenjunga, third highest peak of the Himalaya, which appeared as the sun rose!!!! Thanks to the German couple I met I could use their tripod for better pictures!!!!!

L'Everest es deixava veure a l'horitzó!!! Dels tres pics del fons (els nevats), el del mig (a l'esquerra costa de veure pero n'hi ha un!!!).

You could see Mount Everest in the horizon!!! From the three peaks (the snowed ones), the one in the middle (there is one in the left although it's difficult to see!!,).

Després d'un bon esmorzar, un petit cop de cap i una bona dutxa, petita caminada per Darjeeling veient plantacions de te. Les dos ultimes fotos estan preses des del lloc que es veu a la foto!!!

After a good breakfast, a little nap and a good shower, a little walk around Darjeeling to see some tea plantations. Final two pictures are taken from the place shown in the picture!!!

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Darjeeling Day 36: The Zoo

I'm not a zoo lover, but it was a nice walk to the zoo, and for 100 ruppies (1,2€), might as well give a try!! Bengal tigers, leopards, snow leopards (we had a little moment kind of like "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"), and my new favorite red panda!!!!! 

No soc un amant dels zoològics, pero era una caminada tota maca i per 100 rupies (1,2€), perquè no!!! Tigres de Bengala, lleopards, lleopards de neu (hem tingut un petit moment rotllo "La Vida Secreta  de Walter Mitty"), i el meu nou preferit el panda vermell!! Passejant m'he imaginat si els hi passen les històries que la Maria Vigo ens explica que passen al cosmocaixa!!!