viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Mamallapuram-Chennai Day 33

First of all I have to say that the guy on the first picture is a random guy who when I asked him to move for the picture actually thought I was as king him to pose!!! Today morning in Mamallapurama and afternoon in Chennai (with 2 hour bus in the middle!!). Chennai isn't really exciting, actually pretty ugly, a giant city with a beach where there is a fair in the evening and a fortress that took me 1 hour to find and that when I finally got there I though: well here is an hour that nobody is going to give me back!!!!! But that is where I'm going, what I have liked more about coming to Chennai has been to arrive by bus, ask to get on another bus, get to downtown and find the hostel walking with my backpack!!!! And after spend the afternoon jumping from train to bus walking around the city!!! If I had gotten on a Tuktuk only get of the bus and so that it took me around to see monuments, I would have definitely seen more, but I wouldn't have enjoyed them as much (nothing really espectacular here). And this is what I wanted to say, you can see the city, or live the city (it's the fun about backpacking. Hadn't I gotten on the train today, I wouldn't have seen how the same Indians who ouch you around and get close to you, without any consideration for sex or age, shit there pants and open an isle when who is walking down the stairs is a transsexual!!! They are scared of them (someone told me they are scared cause they think they are cursed), even the transgender was amazed when he/she saw that I didn't move apart and had to push me out of the way!!!! This is for me the fun about backpacking!!!

Primer de tot diré que els senyor de la primera foto es un espontani que en demanarli que s'apartes per fer la foto, s'ha pensat que volia que s'hi poses!! Avui mati a Mamallapuram i tarda a Chennai (amb autobús de 2 hores en mig!!!!). Chennai no te mass gracia, es ben lletj la veritat, una ciutat gegantina i prou amb una platja on fan una fira al vespre i una fortalesa que m'ha costat 1 hora trobar i que quan l'he vista he pensat: aquí va una hora que ningú em retornarà!!! Pero, aquí es on vaig, el que mes m'ha agradat de venir a Chennai es el fet d'arribar amb autobús, preguntar i agafar un altre autobús per arribar al centre i trobar el hostal caminant amb la motxilla a l'esquena!! I després passar la tarda saltant de tren a autobús i patejant la ciutat!!! Si hagués agafat un Tuktuk només baixar de l'autobus i pq em portes a veure monuments, segurament n'hagues vist mes, pero no els hagués disfrutat gens (no i a res massa espectacular la veritat). I aquí es on vaig, pots veure la ciutat, o viure la ciutat (s la gracia d'anar amb una motxilla a l'esquena i backpaquejar (si m'ho acabo de inventar!!!)). Si no hagués pujat al tren no hauria vist en primera persona, com els mateixos indis que se t'arrimen i emputxen per tot arreu, sense consideració de sexe o edat, es caguen a les calces i s'obrien camins com per art de màgia, quan per l'escala del tren baixa un transexual!!! Els i fa pànic (vaig sentir que temen que portin un malefici), fins i tot l transexual s'ha estrenyat quan ha vist que la seva presencia no m'ha immutat massa a mi i m'ha hagut d'apartar!!!! Aquesta per mi es la gracia de backpaquejar!!!

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