viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Mamalapuram Day 32

After a couple of days sipping coffee and eating croissants in indo-french Pondicherry, time to move along to Mamallapuram. Ancient port city 2 hours south of Chennai!! Good vibe of a town and nice temples (that's all I'm seeing lately apparently XDXD). Tomorrow sightseeing of the paying temples and on my way to Chennai!!!!

Desorés d'uns dies prenent cafès i croissants a la indi-francesa Pondicherry, toca moure's cap a Mamallapuram. Antiga ciutat portuaria 2 hores al sud de Chennai!! Bon ambient i temples bonics (sembla que sigui tot el que veig últimament XDXD). Demà a veure els temples de pago i cap a Chennai!!!

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