miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Darjeeling Day 38: Tea Valley Plantation

A Darjeeling hi ha 86 plantacions de te, aquesta es la que està a mes alçada!!!! La fabrica estava tancada i la collita comença en unes setmanes, pero he provat un te (se suposa el millor del mon!!) que es fa amb la fulla de la punta de la branca i que s'infusiona durant 1 segon!!!! Realment era molt bo, infusionat al punt perfecte per tenir el màxim de sabor sense tenir gens de gust amargant!!!!!

Darjeeling has 86 tea plantations, this one is the highest one!!! The fabric was closed and the picking starts in a few weeks, but I tried a tea (supposed to be the best in the world!!) that is done with the top leaf of the branch and is infused just for 1 second!!! It was really good, infused to the perfect point of maximum flavour with no bitter taste!!!

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