martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Amritapuri Days 21-23

Interesting days in Amma's ashram in Amritapuri ( Amma is this female guru who hugs people. She has come several times to Barcelona. I thought it might be a nice experience to come by her ashram to meditate, and add a diferent experience to my trip (more than just seeing beaches and monuments). 5 people from those who we were in the boat got a ferry to Amritapuri where the ashram is. We were welcome and hosted and first day she gave us a hug to the newcomers, as sunday is the day she hugs (we got there at 3pm and went to bed at 11pm and didn't stop hugging to eat or use the WC!!!). I personally didnt feel anything special with the hug, previous moments while youre waiting you hug surrounded by followers who look at her was really interesting to experience. It made me think of how religions are born, and how (being christian or not) Jesus or any other profet must have been during their life. People following her and pushing you to touch her (as if Justin Bieber). Monday we meditated with her on the beach (ashram is located in an island in the backwaters). You cant swim in the water, but the location was beautiful. It lasted an hour (after half I was falling asleep and started observing her), she didnt move a muscle in the whole time!!! After some chantings and some screaming from everybody!! I found it interesting who people live in the ashram, basically westerners and women who have found a leader in her!!! She has done great things for the village (building villages and hospitals, the ashram is like a city). I found it a nice experience to have (leaving aside my personal catharsis  with this kind of meditation).
And now the part that someone will get scared with, which I'll begin by saying: I AM ALRIGHT!!! when we got to the ashram one of the girls in the group (peruane)  had really high fevers!!! She has been 2 days hospitalized in the ashram (with me becoming a nurse, sleeping there at night and talking spanish with her insurance). Today we got moved (yes I have gone with her) to a real hospital to see if they can figure out what is giving her the high fevers and the blood and urine infection and pneumonia. I've come with her (not many more options and not like I'm gonna let her in a taxi feverish alone!!). We have spoken to her insurance and a friend here in india so they can meet and I can follow my trip!!!! Between meditation and this I'm sure my grandmother is looking down from the sky proud of me and with skin of chicken!!! I repeat I'm fine and have no kind of infection (til now, knock on wood!!). However its interesting to see how hospitals work in india, I had to buy her a bottle of water so she could take a pill and and some dispousable cups!!However, whenever she gets stable or someone else arrives will start heading north!!!!!

Dies interessants al ashram de l'Amma a Amritapuri ( L'Amma es aquesta guru india que abraca a la gent. Ha vingut algun cop a Barcelona. He cregut que seria una bonica experiencia passar pel seu ashram uns dies a meditar, i afeguir una experiencia diferent al viatge (mes que nomes veure monuments i platges). Hem agafat 5 persones de les que estavem al creuer un ferry fins a Amritapuri on hi ha l'ashram. Vam ser benvinguts i hospedats i el primer dia ens va donar una abracada a tots els nou vinguts, ja que era diumenge un dels dies en que abraca a tothom que ho demani (vam arribar a les 15h i ja estava abracant des del mati i vam anar a dormir a les 23h que encara seguia abracant, sense parar per lavabo ni menjar!!!). Personalment l'abracada no va ser res de l'altre mon, els moments previs mentres esperes la teva abracada envoltat de fidels que nomes la mirar ensimismats van resultar molt curiosos. Em va fer pensar com neixen les religions, i en que (siguis cristia o no), com devia ser la Jesus o qualsevol altre profeta durant la seva vida. Tot de gent seguint-la, i empuxante si passava prop teu per poderla tocar (rotllo fans de Justin Bieber). Dilluns vam meditar a la platga amb ella (l'ashram esta situat en una illeta en el backwaters). a la platja no thi pots banyar, pero la localitzacio de era preciosa per la meditacio. Va durar una bona hora (jo a la mitja hora ja m'adormia i em vaig dedicar a mirar), l'amma no va moure ni un muscul en tota l'hora!!!!! despres uns cantics i uns crits de tothom!!!! Em sembla interessant la gent que viu al ashram de tota manera, majoritariament occidentals i dones que han trobat una mena de catarsi en la figura de l'amma!!!!! Cal dirque l'amma ha fet grans coses pel poble (hi ha una universitat i un hospital al poble, i l'ashram es com una ciutat en si mateix). M'ha semblat una experiencia interessant de viure (mes enlla en la meva catarsi personal amb aquest tipus de meditacio).
Ara la part que espantara a mes d'un i que comensare dient: JO ESTIC BE!!!! en arribar a l'ashram una de les noies del grup (peruana) va arribar amb grans febrades!!!! ha estat dos dies ingressada al ashram (amb un menda fent d'infermera, fent guardia i contactant el seguro). Avui ens han trasladat (si soc l'acopmpanyant) a un hospital de veritat mes al sud per veure si li poden parar les febrades i l'infeccio de sang, orina i pneumonia. Jo he baixat amb ella a l'hospital (no hi havia massa mes opcio i tampoc es com si l'anes a deixar sola moribunda en un taxi cap a un altre hospital!!). Hem contactat amb l seguro i una amiga que esta per la india per a que es trobin i pugui seguuir amb el viatge!!! Entre la meditacio i aixo, sento que l'avia pilar des del cel em mira orgullosa i amb la pell de gallina!!!. Torno a repetir que jo no tinc cap mena d'infeccio ni res (fins ara, toquem fusta!!). De tota manera es interessant veure els hospitals de l'india, l'hi he hagut d'anar a comprar una ampolla d'aigua pq es pogues prendre una pastilla (es veu que no en donen!!!!) i comprarli gots de plastic pq es pugui prendre un xarop!!!!! En fi, quan conseguim estabilitzar-la o que arribi algun conegut, comensarem la ruta cap al nord de l'india!!!!!!

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