lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Darjeeling Day 37: Tiger Hill

Ens hem llevat a les 4 del mati per agafar un jeep per arribar al cim per veure la sortida del sol: DEU QUIN FRED!!!!! Allà, munió de turistes i de venedors venent cafè, guants, xals, el que vulguis!!! Personalment sortides de sol n'he vist de mes maques (la gent s'ha posat a aplaudir quan a sortit!!! Com si no ens ho esperessim!!!!!), però lo realment maco a sigut la vista del Kachenjunga, tercer sim mes al de l'Himalaya, que ha anat apareixent a mida que sortia el sol!!!!! Gràcies a la parella d'alemans que he conegut he pogut fer servir el seu tripode per a fer millors fotos!!!!

We woke up at 4am to get a jeep to the top of tiger hill to see the sunrise: HOLY CRAP WAS IT COLD!!!! There a gazillion tourists and vendors selling gloves, coffee, xals, whatever you needed!!! Personally I have seen nicer sunrises (people were applauding when the sun came out!! As if it was unexpected!!!!), but personally what was spectacular was the sight of Kachenjunga, third highest peak of the Himalaya, which appeared as the sun rose!!!! Thanks to the German couple I met I could use their tripod for better pictures!!!!!

L'Everest es deixava veure a l'horitzó!!! Dels tres pics del fons (els nevats), el del mig (a l'esquerra costa de veure pero n'hi ha un!!!).

You could see Mount Everest in the horizon!!! From the three peaks (the snowed ones), the one in the middle (there is one in the left although it's difficult to see!!,).

Després d'un bon esmorzar, un petit cop de cap i una bona dutxa, petita caminada per Darjeeling veient plantacions de te. Les dos ultimes fotos estan preses des del lloc que es veu a la foto!!!

After a good breakfast, a little nap and a good shower, a little walk around Darjeeling to see some tea plantations. Final two pictures are taken from the place shown in the picture!!!

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