miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Chiang Rai Day 143: White Temple and border crossing

No sabíem massa que fer a Chiang Rai, pero mirant per Internet hem vist que hi havia un temple molt ben valorat!! Aixi que hem decidit anar-hi per investigar i...PRECIOOOS!! Es un temple nou i per tant molt interessant veure l'art nou (es va comensar a construir el 1997) en un temple!, moltíssimes referencies doncs considera tota la cultura popular porqueria hi ha l'intern hi ha Son Goku, Matrix, Doraemon, etc!! Entres per unes calaveres ja que travesses l'intern!! Definitivament ha valgut la visita!!! A la tarda creuar la frontera per arribar a Laos!!

We didn't really know what to do in Cgiang Rai, but looking in the internet we saw that there was this really well reviewed temple!! So we decided to explore it and....AMAZING!! A new temple which was interesting to see modern art (it started construction in 1997) in a temple!, many references to modern culture as it consideres it as rubbish in hell where they depict Son Goku, Matrix, Doraemon, etc!! You enter through skulls as you cross he'll!! Definatevily worth a visit!! In the afternoon crossing the border to Laos!!

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