martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Luang Prabang Day 148: Bicycle rental, temple visiting and re-sunset

Hem llogat unes bicis per 10.000 kips (menys de 1€) i visitat la ciutat. Hem anat al centre de visites de UXO (unexploded objects). Allà hi ha una petita sala on t'expliquen les tasques d'aquest grup per desactivar i trobar bombes no epxlotades durant guerra del Vietnam i segona guerra mundial (Laos es el país mes bombardejat i amb mes bombes sense explotar del mon!!!!). A la tarda revisitat el temple dalt la muntanya per una posta de sol (tapada per un núvol)!!! Quan estava marxant de la roca un noi em diu "No t'aixequis!! Tens el millor lloc per foto genial!!!" Li he donat la càmera i m'ha fet la foto!! Quan he marxat tot de gent ha comensat a anar cap allà per fer-se la mateixa foto, potser portava massa estona allà jijijij!!!

Rented some bikes for 10.000 kips (less than 1€) and visited the town. Went to the UXO visitor center (unexplored objects). There they have a little rooms where they tell you the tasks of this group to desactivate and find bombs unexploded during the Vietnam war and WWII (Lao PDR is the most bombed country in the world and with more unexploded bombs in the world!!!). In the afternoon we revisited the temple at the top of the mountain for a sunset (covered by clouds)!!! When I was leaving from the rock I was seeing the sunset from a guy calls at me and says "Don't stand up!! You have the most amazing picture!!!" I gave him my camera and he took a picture of me!!! When I left many people started going there to take the same picture, might have been there a bit too long jejejeje!!!

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