miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Days 137-139: Jungle Trekking

Trekking per la jungla!! La veritat es que entrava en aquest trek una mica espantat!! Els que em coneixeu sabeu la fòbia que tinc a les serps, per tant la selva no seria la meva primera destinació!! De tota manera, molta gent m'havia recomanat molt ferventment de fer un trek per la jungla!! Aixi que he decidit superar les meves fòbies i anar-hi de tota manera!! El trek a sigut GENIAL!! Nomes al taxi que ens va recollir vam coincidir 5 solo travellers (jo anava amb el Ryan que he estat aquest dies a Chiang Mai i allà vam coincidir amb la Stasia, el Cameron i el Mat!!) i connexió immediata!! En qüestió de 5 min ja ens estàvem partint la caixa i amb bromes internes!!! Tot i lo be que m'ho he passat al trek i el fet que segurament encara el recomani, m'ha decepcionat una mica, esperava mes trekking i menys hores perdudes fent res, la fauna mes salvatge que vam veure van ser unes papallones, això si lo guay, a part de la companyia, era que de sobte el guia parava en mig del cami i agafava una fruita rara i ens la donava per menjar (cacahuets, lichis i altres fruites que encara no se que son). Suada mil, petit trek amb elefants i micro bany amb els elefants al riu!! Al final del trek sense camera, ràfting pel riu i ràfting en canoes de bamboo, paisatge genial amb riu marró!! Vam entrar per dos dies de trek i ens hi vam quedar per tres!!!

Trekking through the jungle!! I was initially scared of the trek!! The ones who know me know my phobia to snakes, so the jungle wouldn't be my first destination!! However, many people had recommended it so much!! So I decided to suck it up and go for it!!! The trek was AMAZING!!! Already in the taxi that picked us up we met with 5 solo travelers (I was going with Ryan which I've been the last days in Chiang Mai with and there we met Stasia, Cameron and Mat!!) and the connection was immediate!! In 5 min we were laughing our asses out and already had internal jokes!!! However as good of a time I had in the trek and the fact that I would still recommend it, it let me a little bit down, I was expecting more trekking and less lost hours doing nothing, the most wild life we saw were butterflies, but what was really cool, a side from the company, was that suddenly the guide would stop in the middle of the walk and was getting rare fruits and feeding them to us (peanuts, litchis and other that I don't know what they are). Sweating my ass, short trek with elephants and fast fast with the elephants in the river!! At the end of the trek, rafting in the river and bamboo rafting, amazing landscape with a muddy river!! We went for two days of trekking and ended doing three!! 


You don't know what will happen when you rent a backpack
No saps el que passara quan llogues una bossa

Cam and Mat

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