sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Mandalay Day 295: Welcome to Mandalay

Aquest mati despres d'esmorzar agafem el autobús cap a Mandalay!! Antiga capital britànica del país!! Ja m'han dit que no te massa encant (hi estic d'acord) aixi que serà parada curteta!!! Passegem per la vora del palau on no ens deixen entrar doncs tancat i la porta per turistes està a l'altre punta!!! Veiem la muralla!! La Sjanne va a veure titelles i jo decideixo quedar-me actualitzant el blog!!

This morning after breakfast we get on a bus to Mandalay!!! Old British capital of the country!!! They told me there is not much charm to it (I agree) so it will be a short stop!! We walk around the palace where they don't let us in cause it is closed and the tourist entrance is all the way on the other side!! We see the wall!! Sjanne goes to see a marionette show while I decide to stay and update my blog!!

Bagan Day 294: last day of temples

Últim dia de temples!! Ens tornem a llevar per la sortida de sol pero aquest cop anem a el temple on fa dos dies vam veure posta de sol (Pathaghi)!! Està lluny pero en arribar obrim el temple nosaltres i seiem allà sols per 10 minuts (espectacular!!!). Finalment apareixen uns francesos i acabem sent 8 persones!!! Preciós de nou veure la sortida de sol i els globus (que duren 45 minuts a l'aire). Al vespre corro per veure la posta de sol des de Sin Bu Shin (temple que m'havia recomanat el Matthieu (noi de les Banda) que m'havia recomanat el del mati). Arribo pels pels (doncs ens havíem entretingut i les noies no venen ja que faig un esprint) pero estic sol sobre el temple veient tota la immensitat de Bagan!! Impagable per a l'últim dia, encara no m'he cansat d'aquestes vistes!!!!

Last day of temples!! We wake up again for the sunrise but this time we go to the temple where we went for the sunset two days ago (Pathaghi)!! It's far but we open the temple and sit there alone for 10 minutes (spectacular!!!). Finally some French appear and we end up being 8 people!!! Beautiful again seeing the sunrise and the balloons (it lasts 45 minutes in the air). In the evening I run to see the sunset from Sin Bu Shin (temple that Mattieu recommended (guy from Banda) who recommended me the one in the morning). I arrive just in time (as we took longer than expected visiting some other temples and the girls don't come as I'm sprinting) but I'm alone on the temple seeing the immensity of Bagan!! Priceless for the last day, I'm still not tired of these views!!! 

Bagan Day 293: more temples

Dia de mes temples!! Avui he cambiar bicicleta elèctrica per bici normal (mes barata i exercici gratis)!!! Les noies (la Sjanne i dos amigues seves que han arribat avui), m'han fet befa dient que m'haurien d'esperar tot el dia pero al final he sigut jo qui les havia d'esperar!! Per fi veiem el riu i de nou posta de sol espectacular!!

Day of more temples!! Today I changed me e-bike for a regular bike (cheaper and you get the exercise for free)!! The girls (Sjanne and two friends of hers that arrived today), made fun of me saying they would have to wait for me all the time, but it turned out the other way!!! Finally we see the river and a new spectacular sun set!!