miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Mullumbimby Days 262-285: Wwoofing

Dies de poques actualitzacions al blog, pero molt intensos!! La veritat es que he disfrutat moltíssim aquests dies fent de granjer!! Una experiència que recomano a tothom sens dubte per a aprendre a saber que es el que menjem!!! Per un 'city boy' com jo, treballar al camp amb les mans ha estat un canvi brutal, el primer dia que em van dir que havia de ficar els dits a la terra imagineu la meva cara!! 3 setmanes d'ungles brutes!!!! A les tardes em van encarregar un petit projecte per fer el baixant de la pluja, vaig haver de trencar blocs de ciment i despres posar-los un a un per fer la canalització!!! Realment guanyantme el pa amb el suor de la meva front, picant perdra!!! Realment no em tocava marxar d'Austràlia encara doncs em quedava aquesta experiència per posar a la saca!!! La sensació d'anar a l'hort a collir els que et vols menjar, herbes i verdura fresca a cada moment, ous recent posats, etc!! Rodejat de hippies hippies amb molt bon ambient, pots anar a treballar unes hores a la granja i t'endus les verdures de la setmana (tant de bo es fessin coses aixi a casa). La veritat es que el que he apres es que si sembres bon ambient, reculls bon ambient!!! Per això vull agrair a tots els meravellosos 'wwoofers' i a la Leah, Aaron, Mazzy i Denise!!
Days of not many blog updates, but very intense!!! I've had a blast these last days being a farmer!! An experience I reccomend anyone to learn what we eat!!! For a city boy like me, working on the land with my hands has been an extraordinary change, you can imagine my face the first day they told me to dig my hand in the soil!! 3 weeks of dirty finger nails!! In the afternoons I had a little project that was given to me, do a canal system for the rain from big blocks of concrete breaking them into small pieces with a sledge hammer and putting them piece by piece!!! Earning my food with my sweat!! It was not my turn to leave Australia as I still needed this experience in my baggage!! The feeling of going to pick what you want to eat, fresh herbs and veggies, new layer eggs, etc.!!! Surrounded by hippy hippies with a very good vibe, you can go work for a few hours and get your veggies for the week for free (I wish things like this were available back home). What I have learned is that if you seed good vibes, you pick up good vibes!! For this I want to thank all the amazing people that were wwoofingin the farm as much as Leah, Aaron, Mazzy and Denise!!!!

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