jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Yangon Day 290: waiting for bus

Aquest mati he comprat bitllet per aquesta tarda per anar a Bagan (últimament ho faig tot a últim minut). He passejat pel centre de Yangon i vist Sule Paya, monument a la independència i Botataung Paya (aquest últim no he entrat doncs no volia tornar a pagar). Dinat a un teashop (Shwe We Htun) nomes local i ben bo!!!

This morning I bought a ticket to Bagan for this afternoon (lately I do everything last minute). I walked around downtown Yangon and visited Sule Paya, independence monunment and Botataung Paya (I didn't enter the last one cause didn't want to pay again). Lunch at a teas hop (Shwe We Htun) with only locals and exquisite!!!

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