miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Mullumbimby Day 275: Smart ass walking from Brunswick to Byron

La Leah I l'Aaron ens han acostat a la Dee i a mi a Brunswick doncs feia dia de platja i no tenim cotxe!' En arribar feia mes vent del que ens esperàvem i el dia a cambiar de plans!! A la Dee i a mi se'ns ha ocorregut la genial idea de anar fins a Byron (es veia a l'horitzó) caminant!! Hem pensat que en horeta i mitja ho tindríem, pero al final han sigut 3 hores de caminar (els dos a bon ritme) per la sorra (això si amb bany inclòs). A Byron ens esperaven el Laurent i el Dom per fer una cervesa i sopar!! A mes hi havia festival surfero amb música en directe!!!!

Leah and Aaron took me and Dee to Brunswick as it was an amazing day to go to the beach and have no car!!! When we got there it was much windier than we expected and so we changed plans!! Dee and I had the wonderful idea of going to Byron (we could see it in the horizon) walking!!! We thought that we'd do it in an hour and a half, but it took us 3 hours (at a steady pace) on sand (with a quick swim in the middle). In Byron Laurent and Dom were waiting for us for a beer and dinner!! Plus there was a surfing festival with live music!!!

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