jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Bagan Day 291: So many temples

Per fi arribo a Bagan!! Fins fa uns mesos no sabia ni que Bagan existia, i ho compararia a la espectacularitat de Angkor Wat en quant a dimensions i nombre de temples (crec que aqui a Bagan hi ha mes temples, tot i que Angkor Wat com a temple sol es molt mes espectacular que cap dels d'aquí!!!). Una antiga ciutat del segle XII, en queden nomes els temples (la majoria budistes, algun hindú i algun hindú convertit en budista!!). Espectacular en quant agafes una mica d'alçada i contemples la vista!! Tenim bicicletes elèctriques per visitar (amb la Sjane noia holandesa que he conegut al bus). La gracia es trobar lloc per veure sortida i posta de sol, l'esport nacional aqui, i trobar-ne un on no trobis cap altre turista (un munt de turista francès amb grups i autocars).

Finally arrived in Bagan!! Until a few months ago I didn't even know Bagan existed, and I would compare it to the spectacularity of Angkor Wat as in dimensions and number of temples (I think Bagan has more temples, though Angkor Wat as a temple is more spectacular than any here!!!). An old city from the 12th century, only the temples remain (majority Budist, a few Hindu and a few Hindu turned into Budist!!!). Amazing when you can climb onto a temple and see the view with some height!! We have electrical bikes (with Sjane a Dutsch girl I met on the bus). The fun is finding a place for sunrise and sunset, national sport here, and finding one with few tourists (there are lots of French tourists on tour with buses).

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