jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Yangon Day 289: park and Schwedagon Paya

Com sempre al sud est asiàtic, costa zero coma conèixer algu!!! Ahir ja vaig conèixer a altre gent que s'estava a la meva habitació, vam anar a passejar i avui em passat el dia junts!! Ells ja han marxat avui cap a Bagan perque tenen menys temps que jo al país!! Hem passejat per Kandawgyn Lake i a la tarda m'he tronat a escapar a Schwedagon Paya (no volia tornar a pagar aixi que fent una truquimanya per les portes he pogut tornar a entrar sense pagar (entre per porta est, guixeta està a dalt de escales, pero si camines pel jardí fins la de l'oest on la guixeta es a baix de les escales entres i ningu t'ha demanat la entrada!!!!)). Tenia gana de veure-la de dia, tot i que recomano a tothom venir-hi de nit, ja que encenen les espelmes i es bastant espectacular (imatges d'ahir).

As always in south east Asia, it takes you nothing to meet people!! Yesterday I met the people staying in my room, we went for a walk and today we spent the day together!!! They left today to Bagan as they have less time than me in the country!!! We walked around Kandawgyn Lake and in the afternoon I went to Schwedagon Paya again (I didn't want to pay again so I found a way through the doors to do so (you go in through east door where the ticket booth is at the top of the stairs, walk around the garden to the west door where the ticket booth is at the bottom of the stairs and nobody asks you for a ticket!!!)). I wanted to see it with day light, but I reccomend people to see it with night light, as they light up the candles and it is quite spectacular (images from yesterday). 

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