sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Bagan Day 293: more temples

Dia de mes temples!! Avui he cambiar bicicleta elèctrica per bici normal (mes barata i exercici gratis)!!! Les noies (la Sjanne i dos amigues seves que han arribat avui), m'han fet befa dient que m'haurien d'esperar tot el dia pero al final he sigut jo qui les havia d'esperar!! Per fi veiem el riu i de nou posta de sol espectacular!!

Day of more temples!! Today I changed me e-bike for a regular bike (cheaper and you get the exercise for free)!! The girls (Sjanne and two friends of hers that arrived today), made fun of me saying they would have to wait for me all the time, but it turned out the other way!!! Finally we see the river and a new spectacular sun set!!

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