domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Agra Day 55: The Taj Mahal

Opinions a part ningú pot negar que el Taj Mahal s'ha de veure!! Des d'Abu Simbel mai havia verbalitzat "Uauu" en veure un monument!! I ajuda el fet que al contrari de les piràmides de Gize o la Torre Eiffel no ho veus a venir. Arribes allà i penses "Segur que està aquí el Taj Mahal??". Seguint una de les recomanacions dels Marcel, llevar-se d'hora per veure la sortida de sol que i a menys gent....sort!!! (Tot i que cert comparat amb la marea de gent que ve a mig mati).

Opinions a side no one can deny you must see the Taj Mahal!!! Since Abu Simbel I had never verbalized "Wow" when seeing a monument!! It helps the fact that contrary to the Gize pyramids or the Eiffel Tower you don't see it comi. You arrive and you think "Are you sure the Taj Mahal is here??". Following one of the recommendations of Marcel, wake up early and see the sunrise as there is less people.....Yeah Right!!! (Although I have to say seeing the amount of people that came during the morning, it's true).

Cua se gent a les 6.30 del mati abans obrir les portes - Queu of people waiting at 6.30 am to go in before they open the gates

Compensare dient que em vaig passar 4 hores visitant el Taj Mahal, entre fotos de rigor i visitar la tomba a empentes i pura contemplació.

I'll start by saying that I spent 4 hours visiting the Taj Mahal, between official pictures and visiting the tomb pushing everyone and pure contemplation.

Sortida del sol - Sunrise

Tradicional foto saltant - Typical picture jumping

Selfie Style

En Croqui també vol una foto - Croqui wants a picture too

Foto típica vista des de un arc lateral - Typical picture seen from a lateral arch

Riu Yamuna darrera Taj Mahal - Yamuna river behind Taj Mahal

Des de Taj Mahal cap a l'entrada - From Taj Mahal towards de entrance

Cap a l'interior de la tomba, fotografia no permesa, pero això es Índia - Towards the inside of the tomb, pictures not allowed, but this is India

Mumtaz Mahal (dona) enterrada al centre, a l'esquerra Shah Jahan (marit) - Mumtaz Mahal (wife) buried centre, to the left Shah Jahan (husband)

Mesquita a l'esquerra del Taj Mahal - Mosque to the left of the Taj Mahal

Oh!! Ara hi ha mes llum, va unes quantes fotos mes - Oh!! Now there is more light, come on a few pictures more

Un altre selfie - Just another selfie

Un altre salt - Just another jump

En Croqui també vol repetir - Croqui wants another one too

Foto dedicada als acrobatilles - Picture dedicated to the "acrobatilles"

Foto des de l'entrada - Picture from the entrance

Bueno va, prou Taj Mahal, que mes es pot fer a Agra doncs.....Agra Fort, la fortificació on vivia l'emperador.
Ok, enough Taj Mahal, what more can you do in Agra then...Agra Fort, fortification where the emperor lived.

Perdo no m'he pogut resistir - Sorry I couldn't resist

De res - You're welcome

Ara ve la part de la historia que mes emociona, no només trist el pobre home pq se li va morir la Mumtaz Mahal. Sinó que el seu fill gran se li va sublevar i el va treure del poder, tancantlo els últims 8 anys de la seva vida en aquesta torre on tot el que feia era mirar la tomba de la Mumtaz!!!! En morir les restes, per ordre del fill, van ser portades al costat de la Mumtaz.
Now this is the part of the story that touches you, not only was the poor man sad because of the death of Mumtaz Mahal. But his older son went against him and took him out of power, locking him in this tower for the last 8 years do his life were the only thing he did was look at Mumtaz's tomb!! When he died, by order of his son, he was buried beside Mumtaz.

Aquest petit mausoleu es on hi ha enterrats els avis de la Mumtaz. Com es pot veure no devien tenir massa diners.
This little mausoleum is where Mumtaz grandparents where buried. As you can see I don't think they had much money.

Ultima recomanació del Marcel, ves a veure la posta de sol des de l'altre costat del riu. 
Last recommendation from Marcel, go see the sunset from the other side of the river.

Ultima foto Jaume vaig fer del Taj Mahal - Last picture I took of the Taj Mahal

1 comentario:

  1. Espectacular les fotos amb la sortida del sol! També espectaculars les cares dels xinos/tibetans/vietnamites/etc quan estan fent els teus "jumps", jejeje! Grande Croqui!! :D
