miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Kolkata Day 44: End of luxury, back to reality waiting for the bus

Not much done today, just chilled in the luxury room for as long as I could and then walked around Kolkata til my train left. People don't just walk around anymore I have the feeling, they always ask "Where are you going?" and don't understand the fact that you can enjoy wandering around. I also discovered a way to freak out an Indian, here people normally blow there nose with the hand and just throw it on the street, so if you blow your nose inside a train or building, everybody freaks out and looks at you cause they think you just threw it in the floor, as if handkerchiefs didn't exist!!!

No massa a fer avui, relaxar-me a l'habitació de luxe tant de temps com he pogut i després caminar per Calcuta mentres feia temps fins que sortís el meu tren. Tinc la sensació que la gent ja no passeja, sempre et preguntes "On vas?" i no entenen el fet de que puguis disfrutar d'un simple passeig. També eh descobert una nova manera de espantar els indis, aquí la gent es moca amb la ma i ho tira al carrer, així que si et moques dins d'un tren o edifici, tothom s'alarma i et mora perquè es pensen que ho has tirat a terra, com si els mocadors no existissin!!

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