martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Dharamsala Day 65: Hiking in converse and jeans

After a rainy day with a lot of sitting around yesterday, today a nice sun rose, so it was time to go back to the trip done the first day and make it to the top!! We did, although it was full of snow the last part, and I was just in converse and jeans!! The problem was more the way down, skating down in my converse!! However the view was great, enjoy!!

Després de un dia de pluja i molta estona assegut, avui el sol a sortit, així que era hora de tornar a intentar el cim del primer dia i arribar al cim!! Hi hem arribat, tot i que la ultima part era plena de neu! I jo només portava unes converse i uns texans!! El problema ha sigut a la baixada, patinant avall en les converse!! Les vistes eren magnífiques, disfruteu!!

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