sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Darjeeling Day 41: farewell

It's been a nice stay in Darjeeling, really calm and with good food. Feels like more Nepalese than Indian. It's been great to not sweat for a few days!! Great company too with Greg and Yasmina!!! They also have a blog that you can check out (in German): http://indiaventure13.blogspot.in/?m=0

Han sigut una dies molt macos a Darjeeling, calma i bon menjar. Et senties mes com si fossis al Nelal que a l'India. Ha estat genial no suar durant uns dies!! Gran companyia del Greg i la Yasmina!! També tenen un bloc que podeu visitat (en alemany): http://indiaventure13.blogspot.in/?m=0

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