lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Jaipur Day 69: Science Museum

He trigat casi un dia sencer a arribar a Jaipur des de Amritsar (fent-me passar per Delhi, cosa que volia evitar de totes les maneres!!). Fins ara (encara em queda un segon dia) totalment decepcionat per Jaipur (ja m'havien arribat rumors que no n'hi havia per tant). Jaipur està considerat dins el triangle d'or de la Índia (Agra, Delhi, Jaipur). Marees de turistes amb autocars venen a Jaipur, i fins ara no he vist res que valgui la pena fer tot un viatge per. Si que m'ha agradat aquesta mena de museu de la ciència que tenen, aparells antics per fer medicions de planetes i estels, però m'hagués agradat ser-hi amb l'ari doncs m'hagués donat unes explicacions una mica mes acurades!!!

It took me almost a whole day to get to Jaipur from Amritsar (having to go through Delhi, which I wanted to avoid at all costs!!!). Until now (still a second day to go) I've been totally unimpressed by Jaipur (I had heard rumors that it wasn't that big of a deal). Jaipur is considered to be in the golden triangle of India (Agra, Delhi, Jaipur). Herds of tourists in buses come to Jaipur, and so far I haven't seen anything worth such a trip. What I have liked is the kind of science museum they have, old apparatus to measure planets and stars, but I would like to have come here with Ari as she would have given me a more precise explanation!!!

Cranc - Cancer

Verge - Virgen

Peixos - Fishes

Si que he trobat un alberg maco i tranquil on passar l'estona i conèixer gent en una ciutat tant caòtica, Tony's Guest House.

I have found a nice and chilled guest house where to hang out and meet people in such a hectic city, Tony's Guest House.

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