domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Sydney Day 248: Chilling at Manly Beach

M'està resultant tota una experiència això de venir a Sydney!! Mola i necessitava tornar a la civilització uns dies, tot i que començo a veure els canvis als que m'haure d'enfrontar quan torni!! Rodejat de hipsters i vegans i pagant 4€ per un cafè!!! Veure com donem per sentades coses que altres països es luxurios, i com de prim mirats som amb el menjar mentres que a altres llocs es "o lo tomas o lo dejas!!!". Tornar a veure vells amics com a jo canviat!! Tornant a tenir ganes de tornar cap a l'aventura!! Dia de reflexions a la platja de Manly on em compro aquest meravellós llibre que estic disfrutant i crec que recomanaré a tothom (un cop me l'acabi)!!

It is turning out to be an interesting experience coming to Sydney!!i like it and needed to come back to civilization for a few days, though I start to feel the changes which I will have to face when I go back!! Surrounded by hipsters and vegans and paying 4€ for a coffee!! Seeing how we assume things that in other countries are luxuries, and how picky we can be with what we eat while in other places it's "you take it or you leave it!!". Seeing old friends again as a changed myself!! Feeling the needed again to go back to the adventure!! Day of thinking at Manly beach where I buy a marvelous book which I'm really enjoying and will probably recommend to everyone (once I finish it)!!!

Sydney Day 247: Sydney Opera House

La cosa turística que sempre havia volgut veure de Sydney era la opera!! Majestuós edifici al moll dedicat a la cultura!! Realment ben bonic, em sorprèn que el sostre tota la vida havia pensat que eren uns plafons metal.lics i tot el contrari, es ciment i rajola!! Passejant pel parc em compro un pícnic i faig una becaina al sol!!! De tornada agafo el ferry cap a Manly que em dona una vista impressionant del port!!!

The one touristic thing I always wanted to see from Sydney was the opera house!! Majestic building at the harbour dedicated to culture!! Really nice, what surprised me was that I always expected the ceiling to be some kind of metal board and totally the opposite it's cement and tiles!!! Walking around the park I buy myself a picnic and take a nap sunbathing!! On my way back I take the ferry to Manky which gives me an impressive view of the harbour!!!

Sydney Day 246: From chilling at the lake to running for your life

Aquest mati hem anat amb la Taryn al llac a passar el mati, a la tarda ella volia fer feina i jo hauria anat cap a la ciutat a passar el dia!! El que comença amb un passeig ben maco acaba amb una tempesta/granitzada que ens agafa per sorpresa i ens deixa ben xops!!! Al final deixem de córrer (pa que si ja estem ben sucats) i acabem saltant pels bassals com quan erem petits (mes molls i bruts no podem anar!!). Llogicament els plans del dia es cancelen doncs ens passem la tarda aixugant-nos i aixoplujant-nos!!!

This morning we went with Taryn to the lake to spend the morning, in the afternoon sha has to work to do and I will go down to the city!! What starts like a nice walk ends up with a storm with hale that gets us by surprise and leaves us completely soaked!! At the end we stop running (what for if we are completely wet) and we end up jumping into ponds as when we were kids (es can't be any wetter or dirtier!!). Obviously the plans get cancelled as we spend the afternoon getting dry and under cover!!!

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Tos els videos

Gràcies al bon wifi de Sydney, aqui van tots els vídeos editats fins ara d'aquests 8 mesos!!

Thanks to the good wifi in Syndey, here are all the edited videos until now of this last 8 months!!!

O mireu el meu canal de YouTube que acabareu abans

Or check my YouTube channel and you'll finish earlier

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Sydney Day 245: Chilling on the beach and night view

La Taryn està de vacances aixi que aprofitem per descansar, anem a passar el mati a la platja (em fico a l'aigua gelada, aqui tot just comensa la primavera!!) i aixi no perdo el moreno que he guanyat!!! Al vespre anem a prendre alguna cosa pel centre i veig la joia de la corona de Sydney, l'opera de nit!!!

Taryn is on holidays so we use it to rest, we spend the morning on the beach (I go swimming into the freezing water, here spring is just starting!!) so I don't loose my suntan!!! In the evening we go have a drink downtown and I see the crown jewel of Sydney, the opera at night!!!

Sydney Day 244: Welcome to Aus!!! Manly Beach

Benvingut a Austràlia!! M'ha agafat el rampell, i despres de ser invitat a Sydney he decidit baixar-hi, mai he estat tant a la vora!!! Aixi que pam, per 150€ viatje de Kuala Lumpur a Sydney!!! Molt trist que amb lo aprop que estava (tocant a Papua) hagui hagut de anar fins a Kuala Lumpur, bàsicament perque era mes barat!! A Sydney em trobo amb la Taryn (amiga que vaig fer l'estil passat a NYC) i que m'ofereix casa seva!! Em sento al segle XXIII ara mateix amb un llit tant còmode, dutxa calenta i banda ampla d'internet!! Despres del dia d'ahir posant-nos en contacte avui hem anat a la platja de Manly!! La gent fa surf, pero la veritat que fa fresqueta per ficar-se a l'aigua!!!!

Welcome to Australia!! I had an impuls, and after being invented to Sydney I decided to come over, never had I been so close to it!! So BAM, for 150€ I went from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney!!! Very sad that I was so close (close to Papua) and I had to go to Kuala Lumpur, basically because it was cheaper!! In Sydney I meet Taryn (friend I made in NYC last summer) who offers me her house!!! I feel like in the 23rd century right now, comfortable bed, hot shower and high speed internet!!! After yesterday getting in touch today we went to Manly beach!!! People doing surf but it was a bit too cold to egret in the water!!

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Banda Islands Day 241: Ferry back to Ambon

Ferry ben puntual que ens lleva a les 5.30 del mati!!! Pujem amb el nostre billet per classe turista (equivalent a busqui un racó per terra i segi)!! Gracies a deu nomes son 7 hores!! Al mati trobem un bon raconet al terrat pero ens acaben fent fora!!! Veiem balenes (nomes l vapor que deixen anar) i 50 dolphins saltant darrera el ferry!!!

Ferry on time that wakes us up at 5.30 am!! We get on it with out ticket for economy (which means find a place on the floor and sit there)!! Thank god it's only 7 hours!! In the morning we sit on the roof til they kick us out!! We see whales (only the steam) and 50 dolphins jumping after the ferry!!!