sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Banda Islands Day 239: Back in Banda Neira

Es graciós l'efecte d'aquestos illes sobre teu!! Despres de tants dies sense wifi ja no la trobes a faltar i quan arribes al poblet tranquil que et va semblar l primer dia Banda Neira, despres de passejar per les altres sembla una megàpolis!!! Dia de relax, visita de museu i fortificació (finalment trobem a l'home que te les claus, o algu que el coneix com a mínim)!!

It's funny the effect that these islands have on you!! After so many days without wifi you don't miss it any more and when you get back to the chilled town that you felt at the beginning was Banda Neira, after being in the other island you feel it like a megapolis!!! Day of relax, visiting museum and fortification (we finally find the guy with the keys, or somebody that knows him at least)!!

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