sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Banda Islands Day 241: Ferry back to Ambon

Ferry ben puntual que ens lleva a les 5.30 del mati!!! Pujem amb el nostre billet per classe turista (equivalent a busqui un racó per terra i segi)!! Gracies a deu nomes son 7 hores!! Al mati trobem un bon raconet al terrat pero ens acaben fent fora!!! Veiem balenes (nomes l vapor que deixen anar) i 50 dolphins saltant darrera el ferry!!!

Ferry on time that wakes us up at 5.30 am!! We get on it with out ticket for economy (which means find a place on the floor and sit there)!! Thank god it's only 7 hours!! In the morning we sit on the roof til they kick us out!! We see whales (only the steam) and 50 dolphins jumping after the ferry!!!

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