sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Pangkalanbun Day 217: Mothers are always right

Avui li vull dedicar el post a la meva mare!! Ella sempre diu que no cal patir, que al final tot se soluciona!! I quanta raó que te!! Porto dos dies intentant organitzar un creuer per veure els orangutans al Tanjung Puting National Park!! En arribar em vaig agobiar al veure que em sortiria molt mes car del que m'esperava!! A mes volia sortir avui i avui semblava que seria impossible!!! Avui he agafat el toro per les banyes, m'he plantat al port, he acabat coneixent dos nois suïssos, i hem acabat auto-muntant-nos un creuer per la meitat del que m'oferien inicialment!! Al final tot acaba sortint com diu ma mare!! Quanta raó!! 

Today I wanna dedicate this post to my mother!! She always says no need to suffer, everything will fall into place!!! And how right is she!! I have been two days trying to organize a cruise to see the orangutan a in Tanjung Puting National Park!! When I arrived I was stressed as I saw it would cost me more than I had initially planned!! Plus I wanted to leave today and it looked that that would be impossible!! Today I went to the pier, where I met two swiss guys, we organized our own cruise for half the price they offered initially!! At the end everything works out!!! Well said!!!

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