sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Banda Islands Day 231: worth the wait

Finalment arribem a les illes Banda!! Realment a valgut la pena esperar!! Avui si que ha sortit el vol, erem 5 turistes nomes al vol, realment no es una destinació molt turística, ho veiem nomes arribar (la vista del lodge es espectacular)!! Els últims dies a Ambon coneixem al Matthieu i al Mark, també solo travellers que van a les Banda i quan arribem ens topem amb la Katie que porta ja una setmana aquí i ens recomana un munt de coses a fer!!! Al lodge el Allan ens deixa la barca perque anem a fer snorkel pels voltants, uns coralls IMPRESSIONANTS!! Recomanació per als futurs viatgers, nomes hi ha 3 vols a Banda a la setmana i sempre estan plens, pero el truc es que nomes hi ha places limitades per turistes, aixi que si et presentés el mateix dia del vol a l'aeorport i no hi ha prou locals podràs volar (el Mark es el que ha fet i al vol quedaven 6 llocs buits, tot i que el dia abans li havien dit que era ple!!). 

Finally made it to the Banda Islands!! it's really worth the wait!! Today the flight did leave, and we eerie only 5 tourists there, really off the beaten track, we see only when arriving (the view from the lodge is spectacular)!! The last days in Ambon we meet Matthieu and Mark, also solo travelers that are going to Banda and when we arrive we meet Katie that has been here for a week and tells us a lot of things to do!! In the lodge Allan lets us a boat so we go snorkeling in the surroundings, IMPRESSIVE corals!!! Advice for future travelers, there are only 3 flights a week and always full, but the thing is there is only limited seats for tourists, so if you show up the day of the flight at the airport and there is not enough locals you'll be able to fly (that's what happened to Mark and there was still 6 empty places, though the day before they told him it was full!!). 

Illa en mig de l'oceà
Island in the middle of the ocean

Aquesta illa es famosa doncs els holandesos i anglesos es van barallar durant anys per fer-la servir com a base militar!!!
This island is famous as the dutsch and the british fought for it during several years to use it as a military base!!

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