sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Kuching Day 212: Visa running

Aixi que al final he decidit vent ir a Kuching (Malasia) a la illa de Borneo (on volia venir e totes totes)!! En dos dies torno a entrar a Indonèsia pero passo el dia caminant i visitant Kuching (tampoc hi ha massa, pero hi ha una fira, i un riu). Compro bitllet per d'aqui dos dies i descanso ja que he passat la nit dormint a l'aeorport de Kuala Lumpur. Sempre em sorprèn la quantitat de gent que dorm als aeroports, i lo que costa torbar un racó per fer el sense sostre!!!

So I decide to come to Kuching (Malaysia) in the island of Borneo (where I wanted to go anyway)!! In two days I go back to Indonesia but I spend the day walking around and visiting Kuching (not much to do, but there is a fair and a river). I buy a ticket for in two days and I rest I spent the night sleeping in Kuala Lumpur airport. I'm always surprised on the amount of people that sleep in the airport, and how difficult it is to find a spot to do the homeless!!!

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