domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Sydney Day 246: From chilling at the lake to running for your life

Aquest mati hem anat amb la Taryn al llac a passar el mati, a la tarda ella volia fer feina i jo hauria anat cap a la ciutat a passar el dia!! El que comença amb un passeig ben maco acaba amb una tempesta/granitzada que ens agafa per sorpresa i ens deixa ben xops!!! Al final deixem de córrer (pa que si ja estem ben sucats) i acabem saltant pels bassals com quan erem petits (mes molls i bruts no podem anar!!). Llogicament els plans del dia es cancelen doncs ens passem la tarda aixugant-nos i aixoplujant-nos!!!

This morning we went with Taryn to the lake to spend the morning, in the afternoon sha has to work to do and I will go down to the city!! What starts like a nice walk ends up with a storm with hale that gets us by surprise and leaves us completely soaked!! At the end we stop running (what for if we are completely wet) and we end up jumping into ponds as when we were kids (es can't be any wetter or dirtier!!). Obviously the plans get cancelled as we spend the afternoon getting dry and under cover!!!

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