sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Banda Islands Day 234: From Horrible to Amazing

Comencem el dia llevant nos a les 4.30 per pujar al volcà per veure la sortida del sol i torbar-nos que despres de caminar mes de 90 minuts hi ha un núvol al cim i no es veu res!!! Ens estem 1 hora a dalt esperant a que millori i res!! Llogicament gràcies a la llei de Murphy quan som de nou a l'alberg veiem que el núvol ja no hi es!! Volíem anar a Rhun (una de les illes), pero no hi ha ferry aixi que acabem agafant la barca comprant uns peixets i passant el dia a la platja, acabant fent una barbacoa a la sorra i sopant amb una posta de sol impressionant!!!

We begin the day waking up at 4.39 to climb to volcano to see the sunrise and when getting there after more than 90 minutes there is a huge cloud that doesn't let us see nothing!! We spend an hour at the top to see if it improves and nothing!!! Obviously thanks to Murphy's law when e get back to the lodge the cloud is no longer there!! We wanted to go to Rhun (one of the islands), but the ferry doesn't leave so we end up taking the boat and buying some fish to the beache, making a barbacue on the sand for dinner with an amazing sunset!!

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