martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Sydney Day 245: Chilling on the beach and night view

La Taryn està de vacances aixi que aprofitem per descansar, anem a passar el mati a la platja (em fico a l'aigua gelada, aqui tot just comensa la primavera!!) i aixi no perdo el moreno que he guanyat!!! Al vespre anem a prendre alguna cosa pel centre i veig la joia de la corona de Sydney, l'opera de nit!!!

Taryn is on holidays so we use it to rest, we spend the morning on the beach (I go swimming into the freezing water, here spring is just starting!!) so I don't loose my suntan!!! In the evening we go have a drink downtown and I see the crown jewel of Sydney, the opera at night!!!

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