sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Banda Islands Day 238: Nailaka Island (Rhun)

L'Abdullah ens espera ben emocionat al mati per portar-nos a la illa de Nailaka!! Nosaltres no entem perque cal sortir tant d'hora pero ens i unim!! Arribem a una illeta a la costa de Rhun on cal anar d'hora abans no baixi la marea i ens passem tot el mati allà contemplant la vista!! Acabem fent un passeig per la illa i creuant per la costa cap a Rhun un cop baixa la marea!! Ben torrats ens venen a buscar ja que no volem tornar a caminar per el corall!! A la tarda passeig amb l'Abdullah que be ens ensenya les fortificacions i ens explica com els portuguesos, els anglesos, els holandesos i els japonesos han passat en algun moment per aquesta illa!! Li demano per comprar nou moscada i me'n dona de gratis d'estrangis!!!

Abdullah waits for us really excited in the morning to take us to Nailaka Island!! We don't understand why the early leaving but we go for it!! We get to a little island outside Rhun where you have to go early before the tide goes down and we spend the morning contemplating the views!!! We finish walking around the beach and crossing to Rhun once the tide goes down!!! Well tanned they come pick us up as we don't want to walk back through the coral!! In the he afternoon we walk around with Abdullah who shows us the forts and explains how the Portuguese, the English, the Dutsch and the Japanese came through at some point to this island!! I ask him I want to buy some nutmeg and he gives me some for free under the table!!!

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