domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Sydney Day 247: Sydney Opera House

La cosa turística que sempre havia volgut veure de Sydney era la opera!! Majestuós edifici al moll dedicat a la cultura!! Realment ben bonic, em sorprèn que el sostre tota la vida havia pensat que eren uns plafons metal.lics i tot el contrari, es ciment i rajola!! Passejant pel parc em compro un pícnic i faig una becaina al sol!!! De tornada agafo el ferry cap a Manly que em dona una vista impressionant del port!!!

The one touristic thing I always wanted to see from Sydney was the opera house!! Majestic building at the harbour dedicated to culture!! Really nice, what surprised me was that I always expected the ceiling to be some kind of metal board and totally the opposite it's cement and tiles!!! Walking around the park I buy myself a picnic and take a nap sunbathing!! On my way back I take the ferry to Manky which gives me an impressive view of the harbour!!!

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