miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

From Kalaw to Inle Day 305: trekking day 2 - sleeping in a monastery

Com diria en Guardiola ens llevem ben d'hora ben d'hora ja que a les 8 ja erem al llit (es el que pasa quan no hi ha llum)!! A les 7 ja caminem de nou per nous poblats i noves collites!!! Despres de dinar en un monestir ens remullem a un riu, o me saben dit em remullo doncs soc el únic que es banya!!! Senta be!! I arribem a monestir budista on dormirem aquesta nit (ens demanen silencia per dins del monestir)!! Acabo jugant a futbol amb els monjos abans de sopar i escriure el blog!! Es el seu exercici diari, i acabo rebentat, un parell d'ells juguen bastant be (tot i que jo soc bastant dolent aixi que no soc bastant barem!!). A cada gol que el teu equip rep, la panyora son 5 flexions!! Acabo el match amb dos gols i una assistencia de gol fent d'Alves al lateral dret!!!

As Guardiola would say we wake up very early very early as we were in bed by 8 (what happens when no light)!! At 7 we are walking around new villages and fields!!! After lunching in a monastery we take a bath in the river, or I take a bath in the river as nobody else swims!! It feels good!! We get at a Budist monastery where we will spend the night (they ask for silence in the monastery)!! I end up playing futball with them before dinner and writing the blog!! It's there daily exercise, and I am destroyed after it, a couple of them play pretty good (although I am really bad so not the best one to judge!!). Every goal against your team its 5 push-ups!! I finish the match with two goals and one assistance playing like Alves on the right side!!'

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