jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Kyaiktiyo Day 312: Golden Rock

La gent es una exagerada!! Lonely Planet diu que es triguen entre 4 i 6 hores caminant des de Kinpun fins el cim del Mt Kyaikytiyo, parlant amb gent al mati m'han dit que no ho fes que era impossible!!! Al final he seguit el meu instint i he enfilat la ruta a peu i si era molt difícil ja pillaria taxi o algu!! En 3 hores he sigut al cim!!! Un passeig molt maco que molta gent fa de baixada (tots els locals es sorprenien de que pujes)!! Bones vistes i llocs d'habituallament cada 3 minuts!!! Els locals m'animaven en veurem pujar i em donaven la ma Il.lusionats!! Al cim una roca enorme daurada que s'aguanta en perfecte equilibri tot i que sembla que hagui de caure, la raó al vell mig hi ha un pèl de Budha!!! Els budistes peregrinen allà i (nomes els homes) posen mes or sobre la pedra com a pregària!!! A dalt si pot dormir (per una bona clavada), un lloc molt turístic, pero turisme local, baixo amb el camió de baixada (si camió) que has de pujar a empentes per aconseguir un lloc (despres de resar tots ben estressats)!!!

People are a bunch of moaners!! Lonely planets says it takes between 4 to 6 hours to hike from Kinoun to Mt Kyaikytiyo, talking to people in the morning they were telling me it was impossible!! At the end I followed my gut and went for it and if it was to hard I'll take a cab or something!!! In 3 hours I was at the top!! A beautiful walk that people do on there way down (locals were surprised to see me go up)!! Good views with sellers every 3 minutes!! Locals were cheering me when seeing me climb and gave me there hand full of hope!! On the top a big golden rock which holds itself in perfect balance though it looks like it is about to fall, the reason there is a hair of Budha in the centre!! Buddists pilgrimage here and (only men) put more gold on the rock and pray!! You can sleep on the top (for a good price), very touristy, but local tourism, I go back down in the truck (yes a truck) where you have to get on pushing to secure a seat (after praying time to be stressed)!!!

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