viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Kancharnaburi Day 323: Erawan Waterfall

Dia de natura a les cascades d'Erawan!!! Plegat de russos (sense comentaris)!! Molt treballades les fotos per no treure-hi a cap turista!! Al final veient com assagen i graven un ball de Bollywood a dalt d'una cascada (seguretat laboral = 0). Quan de nou a Kancharnaburi passeig pel preciós memorial!! 

Day of nature on the Erawan waterfalls!! Full of Russians (no comment)!! Hard work not to get any tourists on the pictures!! In the end seeing how enemy rehearse and film a Bollywood dance on the top of the waterfall (safety in work = 0). When back in Kamcharnaburi walk around the beautiful memorial!! 

Trobo aquest raconet per mi tot sol en caminar una mica fora del cami!
I find this place for my self after walking out of the way a little bit!!!

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