jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Inle Lake Day 310: farewell to beauty

Últim dia a Inle, i aprofito per fer la volta amb bici per la zona que no vaig arribar a fer!! Primera parada una vista espectacular (millor mirador de lluny), segona parada unes aigües termals (s'ha de pagar $7 aixi que passo). Creo el llac amb una noia americana i una dona alemana que coincideixo a la carretera, de nou creuar el llac, de lluny lo millor del llac Inle!! Torno a dinar on ahir, massa bo per no repetir (amos riuen quan em veuen allà per tercer dia consecutiu i em donen targetes) i finalment posta de sol (tot i que he de marxar abans) al celler on em retrobo amb el J.P. i la Sonja!! Abans de marxar un te i dos pastes a la meva botiga preferida al poble (on al mati he anat a fer una sopa BONÍSSIMA!!). Un dia ple de lo millor de la zona!!!

Last day in Inle, and I do the bike ride through the area I hadn't done!! First stop a spectacular view point (best one by far), second stop a hot spring (you have to pay $7 so no). I cross the lake with an American girl and a German woman I meet on the road, again crossing the lake, by far the best of Inle Lake!! I go back to where I had lunch yesterday, to good not to go back (the owners laugh when they see me as it is my third day in a row and give me cards) and finally sun set (though I have to leave before) in the vineyard where I meet J.P. and Sonja!! Before leaving a tea with some pastrys at my favorite tea shop in town (I had an amazing soup in the morning!!). A day full of the best in the area!!

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