viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Hpa-an Day 314: amazing place on earth

Mare de deu que es maco això!! Parada gens turística fora de la ruta típica, un lloc impressionant (suposo perque no t'ho esperes), un dia genial, preciós!! Al final he agafat el tour organitzat per alberg, m'he debatut entre agafar-lo o no, al final perque em sortia mes barat agafar-lo que llogar moto per mi sol i tots i anaven aixi anavem junts!! Son dos maneres de fer turisme, veure tot el que puguis (hi ha molta cosa), o disfrutar de perdre't, preguntar i veure on pares sense importar-te haver-ho vist tot!! El tour es genial i els paratges genials, molt content d'haver-lo fet, tot i que circular tu sol per una carretera amb les vistes que hi havia te un punt de màgia diferent que no te el anar en un tuk-tuk amb 6 persones mes i en convoy amb 3 tuk-tuks mes!! De tota manera aquests 4 tuk-tuks erem els únics guiris del poble, no us penseu que estar tant petat!!! Tot el contrari!! Coves precioses reconvertides en temples, un passeig amb barca espectacular, i un paisatge esplèndid!! Definitivament si esteu per Myanmar i us sobren uns dies aneu a Hpa-an sense pensar-ho dos vegades!!!

God is this beautiful!! Stop not at all touristy as it is off the route from all the organizes tours. Impressive place (I guess cause you're not expecting it), and amazing and beautiful day!! In the end I did the organized tour with the guesthouse, I was doubting all day between doing it or not, at the end I did it cause it was cheaper than renting a motorbike for myself and I would do it with everybody else!! It is two different ways of seeing thigs, see everything you can (there is a lot), or enjoy getting lost, asking and see where you end up without caring if you have seen it all!! The tour is amazing and the sites too, very happy to have done it, though ride alone on your bike through this landscape has a different magic than on a tuk-tuk with 6 more people in a convoy of 4 tuk-tuks!! Don't get me wrong our tuk-tuks were the only tourists in the area, don't think it's touristy!! All the opposite!! Beautiful caves reconverted into temples, beautiful trip by boat, and an amazing landscape!! Definately if you are in Myanmar and have a couple extra days come here without a second thought!! 

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